One of my fav Sting songs in Love is Stronger than Justice.   In the middle of the song, Sting takes a little break.   Funny huh?   He then laughs and says, "Ok boys, breaks over."  I was reminded of that line today.   Yesterday after 14 straight days of exercise I needed a break!!   I'm not sure it was really the brightest idea to exercise 14 days straight?   So yesterday I rested.   I didn't do a single exercise, not even a crunch or a leg lift or a sit up or a squat.   Breaks Over!  Time to get cracking with my exercise.   The picture above is from an old Tour de France.  I figure if they can take a break, so can I.   Don't forget to take a break now and then.   Even Sting does it :).  
"Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love! "  

I have been reminded of the power of love so many times this week.  Love comes in so many forms.  It's a hug for someone who is hurting.  It's a call to let someone know you care.  It's giving someone a chance.  It's the unconditional bright spirit of my son.  It's making the decision to help those in need.   Love is so many things.   One thing I have learned in this journey is the first step is to love yourself.  And I am not talking about the new-age hippy dippy kind either.   You have to love yourself first before you can really love others and give your love.   I think through this evolution of myself in becoming a mother, divorce, finding who I am, Tommy, my weightloss journey, and so many other life experiences along the way I have learned what love is.  I have taken that love and learned to love myself and how to give love in return.  

Before Spicer was born I used to play music for him and sing to him.  One of my favorite songs to sing and play for him was a Seu Jorge cover of Bowie's Starman.  I know that sounds silly but is is so pretty in his native tounge.   I still catch myself singing it to him sometimes.  When I think of the love for my son I am often reminded of this little song I sang to show my son love before I even knew him.   What do you do to show your love?  
"If you didn't need a pill to get fat, why would you need one to get unfat?"