I woke up early this morning.   I tried to go back to sleep but to no avail.   I made myself an iced cofffe and put on my hoodie and headed to the deck.  It was nice to just sit and read a little and meditate.  I was reminded of my favorite Nick Drake song, From the Morning when I took the picture below.  
When I came back inside I was wide awake and decided to do 30mins of Yoga  (http://yogaone.com/pbsshow.php).  If you have ever attempted Yoga and own cats it is quite funny.   Spike seemed to go from jealous to concerned.  Both he and Yin Yang seemed perplexed by what I was doing.   I really feel back on track with my fitness and weight loss.  I know I am not going to weigh in Saturday and have the few pounds gained disappear but I am confident that there will be fewer and fewer each week if I stay on the right path.   What are you doing to stay on the right path?  

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