Sometimes I get frustrated with my journey. Then reality sets in. This isn't a race! There isn't some special number I hit where balloons and streamers fall out of the sky and some loud voice announces my completion. NO! This is my life now. This isn't something that will end or go away. This life change is ME. There will be times where I stumble, there will be times where meet my goals, and everything in between. That's what it is to make this journey MY LIFE! As I have reported these last few weeks have been busy and no exercise. Saturday Tommy and I took our country bike ride. It felt so good to be on my bike. I loved feeling the wind, seeing nature, and the ZOOM of my bike as we went down hills. This morning I did yoga and it felt good to work out my body. It sounds strange but it felt good to get my body moving again. The soreness in my muscles felt like a reminder of the work it takes to keep going but felt strangely comforting. Sometimes you just have to put aside all the stress of trying to be perfect and just be happy. Make good choices as much as you can and move forward. What do you do to be happy in your journey? 
These last few weeks have been very busy.  My job has been full of issues and I was planning Spicer's birthday party.   Every day seemed to be full with no time to blink.   Last night I was telling Tommy, "I feel like from the time my alarm goes off till when my head hits the pillow it's just go go go!"  Exercise has been pushed to the side but I have continued to watch my food intake and my calories.   I can't change these last few weeks, all I can do is move forward and MAKE time to workout.  Spicer is gone till the 1st of August.   I have no excuse.  If I have to work out tonight at 1AM I will do it.   My dad is always postive.  He has a phrase he uses from time to time, "just peachy."  Even thought these past few weeks have been hard, I still need to find the good in it.  I can choose to look at the positive.  I have gotten a lot done these past few weeks and Spicer's birhtday was a huge success.   What do you do to keep it peachy? 
Last week was very BUSY!  Tommy and I traveled to Nashville on June 30th to see the wonderful 9th!  Last week durring the week was very busy.   Even with the 4th as a break in the work week it felt like two Monday's.   This week feels a little calmer and Tommy and I have scheduled our exercise so week can do better.   What do you do to make exercise part of your week even when you are very busy? Here are a few pictures from my busy week including last weekend's Nashville trip.