This week is a fun week at school for Spicer.  It's DARE week.   Everyday there is a new theme.  Monday was backwards day.   Spicer wore his hoodie and shirt backwards.   Tuesday was slippers day.  Spicer wore his huge bear slippers.  Everyone loved his big slippers.   Today is stuffed animal day.  Spicer brought his stuffed dino.   Tomarrow is sports day and Spicer plans to wear one of his tee-ball shirts.   Friday is Books Alive where he will wear his knight costume.   Enjoy Spicer!!!!
Spicer's spent his fall break with his Daddy while I was in Europe.  I was so happy to see him when I got back.   Spicer held me tight and told me how much he missed me.  I brought Spicer a few things back, (a shirt, teddy, toy double decker bus and taxi, and a lego magazine).  This week Spicer told about my Europe trip at show and tell, played with the ducks nextdoor, went to see Robin Hood at MSU, picked out his knight costume, and we attended game night at his school.   Here are a few pictures...
It began as an idea In 1997, the Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our Children to School Day in Chicago, modeled after the United Kingdom’s lead. Back then, it was simply a day to bring community leaders and children together to create awareness of the need for communities to be walkable.

It evolved into a movement By the year 2002, children, parents, teachers and community leaders in all 50 states joined nearly 3 million walkers around the world to celebrate the second annual International Walk to School Day. The reasons for walking grew just as quickly as the event itself.

Whether your concern is safer and improved streets, healthier habits, or cleaner air, Walk to School Day events are aimed at bringing forth permanent change to encourage a more walkable America — one community at a time.

Now it’s a priority In 2005, new legislation recognized the value of Safe Routes to School programs and is providing funding for States to establish programs. Politicians and other government officials are paying attention to the importance of safe walking and biking to school. Obesity, concern for the environment and the effects of urban sprawl on communities has led to the joining of efforts among those that care about these and other related issues like school siting and traffic congestion.

My son is the best... he just said, "Mommy, I will get the trash today because you need to rest." How wonderful is that??????  I love you Spicer!!